Monday, August 21, 2017

My Golden Girl

David and I welcomed another sweet little girl to our family on Saturday, August 12 at 10:36 pm. Cecilia Claire was born at home after a 4.5 hour labor. She was our longest, leanest baby at 7 lbs 9 oz and 20.5 inches. She looks almost exactly like her big sister did as a newborn.

Big sister and brother came to meet her the next morning and just adore her. Both Cecilia and I are doing wonderfully and we are all adjusting really well to life as a family of five. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us.

I plan to write her birth story out in the next few days, but for now I wanted to share a bit about her name. She was named for St. Cecilia and my grandmother, Cecilia, who came from a devout Catholic family and was herself named after the Saint. Both my grandmother and grandfather were very surprised and pleased by her name. They wouldn't stop talking about it, which is actually quite touching because they both have severe dementia and have trouble remembering things from minute to minute. It was so lovely that they remembered her name and were able to talk about it at length.

My grandmother, Cecilia Refugia, with her great granddaughter, Cecilia Claire.
Claire was the middle name we had decided to use had Davey been a girl, but we didn't consider it must this pregnancy until the last week or so. I wasn't particularly sold on any one name, but David like the idea of her initials being CC with Cici being a nickname and her full initials being CCR (like Creedence Clearwater Revival, which I will agree is an awesome band). And, of course, the only reason we considered it at all was because of St. Clare of Assisi (whose feast day was the day BEFORE she was born; I was really hoping she would be born that day as a clear sign she should be Cecilia Claire).

today, 9 days old


  1. She is so cute! And does look a lot like Lucia when she was born. I love the name. When I was teaching Confirmation Cecilia was always a SUPER popular confirmation name.

  2. Congratulations!! Didn't even know you were pregnant! So happy for all of you :)

  3. Congratulations!!!
    She is absolutely beautiful:) What a special name and how wonderful that your grandmother is around to meet her little namesake!

  4. Congratulations on the birth of your GOLDEN BABY! Wow! So happy for y'all especially after the journey you have had! And a home birth after a wild car rainbow baby birth, amazing!! Praise Be to God from whom all blessing flow!

  5. Congratulations!! What a beautiful girl and two powerful heavenly patrons!!
